Occupation de Wall Street
18 septembre 2011 2 CommentairesSuivez les événements en direct depuis le stream :
This channel will feature live streams from global non violent revolution spreading across the globe, with the first broadcasts from Wall Street Occupation in NYC that will start on Saturday, September 17, 2011. The channel will also feature live stream from solidarity protests and events in Spain, Greece, France, Belgium, Iceland and other places around the globe.
Lien de l’événement : OccupyWallSt
Twitter : OccupyWallSt
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[…] vous avions parlé d’Occupy Wall Street qui a débuté le 17 Septembre. L’occupation s’est répandu progressivement dans le […]
A pugnacious President Obama said Thursday the ongoing Occupy Wall Street protests in Manhattan express the frustration of the American people.